Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,
according to the power that worketh in us.
Ephesians 3:20

The Shunammite woman and her husband were very generous and showed kindness to the prophet, Elisha. Although she was a wealthy woman, she was childless. In  2 Kings 4:16, Elisha called her one day and told her that she would have a son. She had a son the following year, just as Elisha had said. Some years later, the boy died suddenly, but she rushed to Elisha and he miraculously revived him.

You may need or desire something that money cannot buy. Only God knows about the secret desires of your heart, and the things you really want. Be generous in giving God your time, money, talents, and other resources. Then watch Him give you the things that money cannot buy.

No need to worry and begin to fret,
But believe that it’s not over yet.


This excerpt is from the book Great Peace for Mothers.