Are you apprehensive about your future, and feel like you cannot go on from here? Be encouraged because you can begin again. In fact, it is time to begin again right now. Regardless of your past situation, God loves you very much and He has an extraordinary plan for your life. You can begin again and experience the joyous and abundant life He has planned for you.
You might be saying to yourself, “What’s the use of beginning again?” Well, beginning again has many benefits. Caleb’s life is a wonderful example of the advantages of beginning again. Despite wandering in the wilderness for forty years because the other Israelites would not believe God, Caleb made the best of an adverse situation. He had many opportunities to give up and quit, but he did not. He embraced the opportunity to begin again. God finally blessed him to come into a new beginning in the Promise Land after spending forty years in the wilderness.
In spite of the storm you have endured, decide to begin again today. Even when the odds are stacked high against you, God wants to do a new thing in your life. With your determination and God’s help, you can begin again. Ask God to help you begin again today!
Begin Again
Behold, I will do a new thing.
Isaiah 43:19
Are you feeling hopeless and in despair?
Do you feel as if God does not care?
Lift your head up and don’t be sad,
Things could never be that bad,
When Jesus Christ lives inside you,
Nothing is impossible for you to do!
You must rise up and begin again,
No matter how dark your past has been,
You can have true victory,
Over the schemes of the enemy,
And rise above the hurt and pain,
So decide today to begin again.
Decide in your heart to begin today,
And let Jesus Christ show you the way.